
creating the first decentralized application that strengthens all universities

Greetings Success to All of You in the BLG Community
Back with me, this time I invite you to review an interesting project that will lead you to your next success.
Blockchain technology has gradually restructured the global economic system. The efficacy of this technology has facilitated mass adoption in which almost all areas of life integrate technology into their systems to improve their operational efficiency. In this article, I will focus my discussion topic on the most promising Blockchain project called Unifinity. which fully reflects the case of the use of Blockchain in global education in the field of recording systems, issuance of certificates, and verification systems. Blockchain allows digitization of credentials without the need for third-party verification and recording of degrees, diplomas and certificates. Developing a University diploma supported by blockchain is a great way to get ahead.

Creating a verifiable lifetime transcript will eliminate CV fraud and streamline the process of transferring students between universities, reducing stress, complexity and the costs inherent in conventional processors. In this article, I will share my insights about the Unifinity Platform, a blockchain platform designed to provide technical services and support for educational institutions. The Unifinity Service Platform will support academic and administrative services which will create standards in University education services.

Run Next joins the ecumenical EduTech Unifinity stage. Unifinity imposes sanctions on colleges and schools around the world for immediately increasing the utilization of Blockchain innovations and smart contracts for various needs in the application. Through Unifinity and Dash, you will have the option to pay for various supplier training courses throughout the world and then with Dash.

We are satisfied with this sodality because this is our first organization to work outside our desideratum market, for example, the Philippines and many more who will follow.
Carefully, decentralization in ordinance dictation shows the intensity devolution from caliber of higher intensity to lower. However, this lower caliber can be another administrative level within the Ministry of Edification, for example, a distinctive division or school: this method is conventionally called deconcentration. Because of decentralized injunctive authorization, there is a devolution system of monetary and dynamic power from higher to lower caliber of leveled regimes and units.

Emerging Quality and Technology Improvements are the route to unexpected developments and the turn of events that occur in a country. Most sodality directly requires their workers to reach a certain level of study, even the degree to attain a longitudinal emolument is similar to the scope of concrete capacity as the essence of at least.
The main purpose of decentralization is to consolidate larger decisions, progressive coincidences and extended motivation. Because it is equally inspiring to the weight of the top organizations, there is little fire fighting organization or habitual reasons. This is like a way to strengthen the renewal and improvement of junior organizations.

Quick in providing information
With Unifinity, universities can kill things that are not important in providing data to guardians and students. Streamlining the legal authorization framework to be more effective and less entangled as in the past.
Considering the guidelines on their official site, this effort has really started taking shots in 2018. What's more, just this year it was officially exhausted and presented at the token49, Ethereum SuperMeetUP, and Unchain Conversion events. After all, their latest data intends to hold the underlying commitment with the University of Cebu.
Really friendly, Unifinity adscititiously has a shop. The unifinity administration's capacity as a commercial center makes it easy for students to buy their essence. For those of you who need to sell their products, you can legally register your store at their official store. Unifinity is available for people in general. For now, with free registration, and installments can use the famous crypto coins, for example, BTC, eth, BCH, and run. Join Unifinity to improve the superior compensation authorization framework.

Unifinity Gold is to develop a decentralized, bonded training stage that allows universities and schools of all sizes to quickly realize the utilization of Blockchain progress and full approval of diverse application needs. We recognize that Blockchain progress can be used as an indispensable resource for improving the current Learning and Transmission Management System.

Unifinity DAPP will enable customers as Parents, Students, and Management to have full and essential information and control of each cognate data. We have created our own Dapp as an amazing Interface, partnering with all the Blockchain headchain complements and strategies, by providing a basic system and many mechanical assemblies that merge. This will potentiate the University to manage Blockchain features and applications at a cost and time that is not too expensive.

We are working with a network model that licenses us to get a comparison of the improvement in work and blockchain faculty and will offer a sweeping blockchain predicate plan that sanctions universities to synchronize and use blockchain applications to improve their administrative methods. Unifinity was built by a cross-pragmatic accumulation that has contributed together with man-made knowledge, blockchain, concise application, cyber security, and IoT throughout Europe and Asia.

Unifinity works and collaborates with Edification providers, for example, local / private companies, Universities, Colleges, Training Facilities that offer Scholastic courses. Blockchain, AI, the astronomically large data course will be given in the same way as the Partnership, Dash will be seen as part of the course, a part for schools and other future matters that will be introduced at the Unifinity stage which will be recalled applications for weeks the coming weeks that accompany it.
· To complete application development and to enter universities, colleges, schools globally that do not have access to quality learning applications and Registration management systems.
· To provide accessibility to parents in providing tools for them to continue their studies as well as accessibility to manage their finances with secure fast payments at low costs.
· To encourage more students to continue their studies and learn the right investments by giving them access to professional courses provided by leading universities.
· To give universities the ability to issue their own Anti-Counterfeiting Blockchain Certificates and Blockchain anti-fraud identity cards which also function as wallets where users can use them in several merchant partners using smart contracts through various applications.
Benefits of UNIFINITY's
Unifinity Program visually perceives that progress is a step-by-step focal point of our life and work, thereby utilizing development to connect students with a learning experience that destroys the earth. Resources and examinations measure substitute performance which also rewards students each time they enter certain talents or data obtained in the course in the UNIFINITY stage, such as dynamic changes governing the strengthening of the Planting System by:
Giving guards a way to handle tracks and filter them. portion.
Make sure parts are sent sincerely to school easily.
Provide faculties to filter implementation and substitute cooperation.
Utilizing the Token sent to the Perspicacious Contract which will fill in as a timestamp of progress that does not change using the Blockchain.
Thanks to the UNIFINITY platform, the work of universities and schools can change dramatically.
● You no longer need paper to store information. Certificates, licenses and other documents can be stored in a block chain. This technology provides reliable protection against hacking and changes in records. This leads to many advantages: eliminating the share of corruption in education, dissolving records, reducing spending on budget funds and extra-budget for consumables.
● The ministry of information and other relevant government agencies are no longer needed. Blockchain can provide constant access to verified information about certification, which makes the educational process desirable, because it is increasingly difficult to buy a diploma. The court no longer needs to be involved to prove copyright over scientific work.
● The process of recording information in the block chain does not require specialists, which reduces the educational institution's financial burden on personnel content.
● The cryptocurrency room applies to learning. If state law is ready for such a change, scholarships and grants for high yields will be transferred online, which will exclude intermediaries who work with universities now.

● Employers will now be confident in the specialist qualifications that are hired, and the implementation of recertification and qualification confirmation procedures will soon be reflected in an integrated system, and this will become reliable data.

The announcement of the Run Next Partnership is
accumulated with the Unifinity EduTech stage as a whole. Unifinity engages universities and schools far and wide in a variety of sizes to quickly realize the use of developing Blockchain and smart accents for various application needs. Through this affiliation, you will have an alternative to pay for various service provider preparation courses throughout the world in the future with Dash. We are very happy with this affiliation because this is our first sodality to work outside our desideratum, publish the Philippines and more will follow.


August 2018
Concept & Research Stage
November - December 2018
Concept stage with International Christian College
Partnership with Metrolending Corporation
January 2019
The First Boracay Blockchain Summit & 2019
February - June 2019
University Awareness Roadshow, 2019
Cebu University of Technology, 2019
University of Makati, 2019
University of Cebu, 2019
March-June 2019
Speakers in Token2049, Ethereum SuperMeetup, Hongkong & March 2019
Speakers at the Unchain Convention, Berlin & June 2019
July - August 2019
Initial engagement with Cebu University and Training for Traders on how to use Payment solutions
October 2019
Speaker of Robotics and Automation Summit 2019
Issued the First Blockchain Certificate at Several Universities in 2019
Partnership with NEXTID 2019
December 2019
Speaker on Malta Blockchain Summmit 2019
Initial involvement with the American University of Malta 2019
Partnership with 2019 First Bullion Holdings, Hong Kong
Partnership with 2019 Data Bridge Solutions, South Africa
Partnership with GnZ Investment Group 2019, Cambodia
Partnership with the 2019 Brotherhood, Cambodia
January - February 2020
Application Development begins
Initial involvement with the Bulacan Regional Government
Awareness for Blockchain and Use cases with Government Events
Government Support in Place
Partnership with Oxford College, 2020 Gibraltar
Partnership with DASH Thailand 2020
March 2020
Release of Blockchain Certificate to University Partners
Open Shop.Unifinity.io for Traders.
First Round Personal Investment.
April-May 2020
Public Sales will begin
Beta Test - Blockchain ID and Student Training
First Half General Sales.
Cellular Application Development.
June 2020
Awareness- Philippine Blockchain Week Sustainability 2020
Direct Wallet Test - EXPO Digital World Economy Program -
Preparation for Application of cellular BETA
10,000 wallet holders from the Student BETA Program
July 2020
Listing Changes
more cellular development
The next 50,000 Wallet holders from the Student BETA Program
August - October 2020
Introducing Staking Rewards to Students
More University Partnerships
The next 100,000 Wallet holders from the Student BETA Program
November 2020
Virtual Classes Start
Further Development of DAPP - Blockchain storage
Educational Events for Exhibitors - Universities in Paris and Educational Conferences


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