

 Universal digital world, instant and secure

Ico PayFrequent Review: Digital money for the digital world ...

 As the blockchain industry evolves, with the number of crypto assets increasing and cryptocurrencies continuing to boom, the market for crypto trading has also grown. While offering a variety of opportunities to invest, the cryptocurrency market is difficult to follow. With thousands of alternative coins in circulation, it is difficult to evaluate which one is worth investing in, and even more difficult to keep up with constant fluctuations. If this exponentially growing and ever-changing market can be confusing even for seasoned traders, it's only natural for new crypto holders to feel lost in this complex environment. Even though the crypto market has attracted thousands of new cryptoholders, the learning curve for them remains very steep. At the same time, the market is short on tools and services to help new users lower potential risks and encourage them to make the leap into the crypto community. With the help of Payfrequent, you can issue fully supported digital currencies with native fiat currencies and can easily and always be converted to their face value.

Hold anywhere 
It is limited to anyone other than your wallet with your private key. There is no doubt that this can be withdrawn anytime, anywhere, and anytime you want to spend it without locking down periods and get rewards based on your balance.

Hourly Rewards 
It will be very attractive to our clients who hold our real coins or any currency in our wallets; You get hourly rewards for your balance above 1000 and get daily rewards for balances between 500 to 999. Get monthly rewards for balances between 5 and 50.

Fully Self-Sufficient 
There is no need to rely on other native tokens to send and receive, this means that before moving our tokens from an ETH to ERC20 address, a fee is required from our real coins.

Stable value 
This is one of the advantages of PayFrequent, on our platform we convert fiat to digital currency, converting from fiat to another digital currency to associate the value with the prices of national currencies such as US Dollar, Euro and Offshore Indian Rupee.

Supported by Tomochain 
These tokens can be stored in any Ethereum compatible wallet. Real tokens or Coins are issued on the Tomochain network (payfrequent) as standard TRC21 tokens, such as Payfrequent / Tomo / Trust wallets.

Our Global 
Currency (Payfrequent) transactions are designed to allow individuals to move globally from your crypto wallet to the address of another ERC20 / 1-enabled exchange wallet, businesses and other users. Our fees are as low as 0.01, it's a fast transfer and instant confirmation.

The Future of Finance

  • Hold it anywhere 
    Hold it in any wallet with your private key. spend anytime without lockout period and get reward based on your balance.
  • Hourly Rewards 
    Get hourly rewards for your balances over 1000 and get daily rewards for balances between 500 and 999. get monthly rewards for balances between 5 and 50.

  • Hold Fully Independent in an ethereum compatible wallet and send it to anyone without holding another token. no need to rely on other native tokens to send and receive.

  • PayFrequent's stable value converts cash into a digital currency, to attribute value to the prices of national currencies such as the US Dollar, Euro and Offshore Indian Rupee.
  • Supported by Tomochain 
    All PayFrequent Coins issued on the Tomochain network are TRC21 Standard tokens, so you can store them in an Ethereum compatible wallet, such as the Payfrequent / Tomo / Trust Wallet.

  • PayFrequent Coin global transactions are designed to allow currency to move globally from your crypto wallet to other exchanges, businesses and users. 

Don't panic, our wallet can be downloaded from the following

Google Playstore | PlayStore app you can also register on the website.

Our wallet

Complete KYC & AML checks

Instant Email & Telegram Notifications

Bind your account with your IP address

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required to log into your account and make withdrawals.

All employees undergo criminal and credit background checks and are subject to ongoing background checks during their tenure.

Encryption is used to secure passwords, personal information and other sensitive information both in transit and when not in use.

The current world financial system has experienced several bubbles throughout its history and people are starting to realize that today's banking and economy as a whole cannot handle everything that is happening in the world. The lack of freedom and strict rules imposed by some cannot satisfy a large part of the world's population. We live in fantastic times, finally something unique and innovative can disrupt corruption and bureaucracy: blockchain. 
Cryptocurrency is only at the beginning of its long and compelling story so what we're here to help is find its way to its customer: you.
Payfrequent is the digital money you're looking for - with our extensive approach to listening to users first. we'll give you the results you need.

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